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JUL 23 - AUG 22

Home, Sweet Home

Home and family life are a major focus this month, Leo, with the emphasis on the sign of Scorpio bringing a dash of intensity to your experience. This could be when you make a few changes to your home environment or otherwise alter the dynamic in some way. It could be an opportunity for everyone to sit down and make a major decision, especially if it will transform family life as you know it. This is a good time to declutter and get rid of items that are clogging up your home and interfering with the flow of harmonious energy that could be bringing you greater peace and happiness.

If you have plans that you’re eager to start, take care around the new moon on November 13. This is a great opportunity for a new beginning, but with fiery Mars and edgy Uranus aligning with this lunar phase, you could do something on the spur of the moment that you later come to regret. Don’t make any moves until you’ve thought things through carefully, researched the details, and listened to any relevant advice.

Things get easier as the month goes on, once Mercury moving into easygoing Sagittarius and your leisure zone on the ninth. This is followed by the sun and Mars on November 22 and November 24, respectively. If life has been intense recently, you’ll enjoy the chance to indulge in your favorite hobbies and sports and kick back and relax with friends and family. It’s a great opportunity to promote your creative talents both online and off and hone any skills you have.

Finally, there’s a Gemini full moon on the twenty-seventh that occurs across your social axis. Because of a link with prudent Saturn, you might want to take a break from socializing, especially after Thanksgiving. Enjoying some “me” time could be very good for you.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe