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MAY 21 - JUN 20

Using Time Wisely

There’s a powerful emphasis on your lifestyle sector this month, Gemini, which can be a time of reorganization as you come to grips with your schedule and make a few changes. With a focus on the sign of Scorpio, you could be quite radical about what you want to jettison or keep. If certain activities have shown themselves to be a waste of time, this is when you’ll abandon them for good. The same goes for a job or anything else that you’ve lost interest in or that no longer serves you.

Even so, there could be a major push for a new beginning. A new moon in Scorpio on November 13 ties in with an impulsive Mars-Uranus opposition, so it would pay to be careful. Don’t jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. Think very carefully about your goals and what you want to accomplish. A sound strategy will lead to success.

There is a gradual shift to Sagittarius and your sector of relating that begins as fleet-footed Mercury moves into this adventurous sign on November 9. It’s followed by the sun on the twenty-second and Mars on the twenty-fourth.

Relationships will move higher up your list of priorities, and you’ll be doing a lot more networking, negotiating, and dealing with contracts, commitments, and agreements.

This is a lighter and brighter focus, and you’ll enjoy socializing, making new friends, spending time with your partner and close ones, and linking up with others on your wavelength.

Mars will be in this sector for six weeks, so this is a great opportunity to rally others to your cause. However, there could be times when you’re a little too blunt, so some tact can help smooth the way ahead.

Finally, the full moon in your sign on November 27 could be somewhat emotional as well as frustrating. Wait a few days until things are more settled before you make any big decisions, especially those involving others.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe