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JAN 20 - FEB 18

Proactive Communication

Your sector of talk and thought will be busy in a good way this month, Aquarius. You’ll be ready to network and negotiate and push ahead with all kinds of conversations and verbal agreements. You’ll probably be active on social media too, which can also bring rewards. If you’re eager to increase your following on any platform, you’ll be ready to put energy into doing so.

Quicksilver Mercury will be retrograde from April 1 to April 25, and it will have a strong influence on anything to do with communication, so you might notice its effects more than some people. There could be delays and misunderstandings, so try to prepare for such possibilities in advance.

However, harmonious Venus moves into Aries on the fourth, which can smooth out a few rough edges and pave the way for more diplomatic conversations. You’ll also find a way to attract attention and support for any projects you have going on.

There’s a new moon in Aries on April 8, which can be helpful for initiating projects and getting things moving. If you want to mend a relationship, this will be possible with healing Chiron also in the mix.

On the nineteenth, there’s a shift to your home and family sector as the sun moves into Taurus. This can be a very soothing and harmonious time when you’ll naturally be inclined to enjoy more self-care. It will be easier to take a step back from life and see any current issues and problems in perspective.

The full moon in Scorpio and your sector of goals and career on April 23 could be quite emotional. If your work/life balance is out of kilter, this lunar phase will highlight the imbalance. You’ll realize that if you don’t do something, your well-being could suffer. Start now as you mean to continue and make those changes so you can enjoy every facet of your life.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe