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SEP 23 - OCT 22

Work and Play

Libra, prudent Saturn in your lifestyle sector suggests you’ll be hard at work, whether this is due to other people’s efforts or because you are putting pressure on yourself. At the same time, the sun in vital Aries encourages you to work alongside others and perhaps make life easier for yourself by delegating certain tasks. The coming weeks are excellent for networking, attending to key relationships, aligning yourself with helpful people, and generally making the most of your contacts and connections.

Delightful Venus moves into Aries on April 4, so you’ll have an additional advantage, especially if you need to negotiate, resolve an issue that requires some diplomacy, or improve your love life.

The new moon in Aries aligns with healing Chiron on the eighth, so this is a great chance to resolve any relationship difficulties and pave the way for better times ahead.

On April 19, the sun moves into Taurus and a more intense sector of your chart, which means the coming four weeks are great for initiating change. Insights into how you can improve your finances and business affairs and increase growth could lead you to let go of any deadwood so you have a clear space for fresh opportunities and new projects.

The full moon in Scorpio on the twenty-third occurs across your financial axis, so it could directly influence your finances. It also makes a lingering tie with potent Pluto in Aquarius, which suggests that stubborn forces could make it difficult for money to flow. There is also a suggestion that you could splurge on something you don’t really need and perhaps come to regret it later.

Finally, sweet Venus enters Taurus on April 29, which means your desires could be stronger than usual. If you want something badly enough, you could go out of your way to get it.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe