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AUG 23 - SEP 22

Riveting Opportunities

There’s a lot to be said for teaming up with others and sampling their feedback and advice this month, Virgo. A focus on the sign of Pisces suggests you’ll be ready to network with key people, socialize, and perhaps collaborate on exciting projects.

However, with the sun in Aries and your sector of transformation until April 19, you’ll also be in the mood to let go of anything that no longer serves your best interests. It might be something small, but eliminating it could have a powerful and positive effect on your life.

Chatty Mercury will be retrograde in Aries from the first to the twenty-fifth, so it would pay you to be careful when you’re involved in any major transactions. This is a time of potential misunderstandings and confusion, but you can help avoid too many problems by attending to the details.

The new moon in Aries on April 8 aligns with healing Chiron, making this a great time to take the initiative and resolve an issue that is a source of hurt or emotional wounding. You might need the assistance of a counselor or therapist, but their help can be valuable at this time.

There’s a shift as the sun glides into Taurus and your sector of far horizons on the nineteenth. The coming four weeks will put the emphasis on exploration, traversing new terrain, travel, and adventure. It’s time to ease out of your comfort zone and take life by the horns.

The full moon on April 23 could be quite emotional, though, because it takes place in Scorpio and your sector of communication. A clash of views could come to a head at this time. Try not to overreact, but take a more balanced viewpoint. Wait until things settle down before you make any decisions.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe