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DEC 22 - JAN 19

Home and Family

There’s a lot going on at home this month, Capricorn, bringing opportunities to get moving on property or domestic plans and goals and embrace other positive activities that can enhance your family life.

The sun’s presence in Aries until April 19 highlights those areas that might need some attention. This could mean resolving relationship issues, finding ways to cut back on household expenses, or choosing a healthier eating plan for family meals. It’s an opportunity to prioritize your goals in this area and start working on them.

Even so, with dealmaker Mercury turning retrograde on the first, this isn’t the best time to buy or sell property because there could be delays. Instead, focus on setting up your home so that it’s as attractive to buyers as possible. When Mercury turns direct on April 25, you can set things in motion.

Lovely Venus will be in Aries from the fourth to the twenty-ninth, which is the ideal time to give your place a makeover. If you’ve been thinking about this for a while, you’ll be ready to choose paints and furnishings that will do justice to your home.

There is also a new moon in this zone on April 8, which is great for kick-starting new plans. Bearing in mind the effect of Mercury retrograde, this is a great time for small changes that can still make a positive difference. It doesn’t mean that you can’t go ahead, just that unexpected events could take things in a new direction.

There will also be plenty of opportunities for fun and leisure once the sun dances into Taurus on the nineteenth and remains here for around a month. Everyone needs a break, and this is your chance to indulge in those hobbies and activities that recharge you.

Be cautious around the time of the full moon in Scorpio on April 23, because this could coincide with difficulties in a friendship or romantic relationship. Try to avoid doing or saying anything you might come to regret later.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe