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JAN 20 - FEB 18

Great Social Scene

Aquarius, this holiday month begins with a dynamic focus on your social scene that lasts all month. The sun works its magic until it moves into a private zone on December 21, but fiery Mars will keep you busy with events and social opportunities until January 4, 2024. The more you can get out and about, the more fun you’ll have and the more people you’ll connect with. Whether you want to expand your circle of friends for business, pleasure, or both, you’ll get a lot out of the weeks ahead.

The new moon in Sagittarius on the twelfth is great for all sorts of new initiatives, especially those that involve teamwork, groups, communities, and collectives. Start now on something you’re excited about and you can help it come to fruition more easily and naturally.

Also, fleet-footed Mercury is retrograde from that day until the first of the year. Coincidences and synchronicities over the coming weeks could put you in touch with people from your past. This is no accident; it’s the hand of destiny at work.

Meanwhile, harmonious Venus will be in Scorpio and your career sector from December 4 to December 29, enabling you to use your charm and charisma to impress others. This positive planet’s journey through this zone makes this a great time for all kinds of negotiations and agreements.

The sun’s move into Capricorn and your spiritual sector on the twenty-first means that you’re coming to the end of the current solar phase. The coming four weeks are great for getting your bearings, finishing anything that’s still hanging over you, and finding closure on issues that have been draining you.

Finally, the full moon in your lifestyle sector on December 26 brings an opportunity to simplify your schedule and take it easy. This lunar phase can be fairly emotional, so there might be some drama to contend with. But this is also a chance to clear the air if tension has been simmering lately.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe