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DEC 22 - JAN 19

Healthy Habits

Capricorn, you’ll be very interested in ideas about how you can make the most of your time to reach your goals. You’ll also be very curious about the many new opportunities open to you and ready to take on board skills and knowledge that can help you to achieve everything you desire.

Just don’t take on too much. You’ll be tempted by a smorgasbord of possibilities, and this is where things could get difficult. With Jupiter in Gemini and your lifestyle sector, along with convivial Venus and the sun, you’ll have the attractor factor, and everyone will want to work with you. This is why it would pay to be choosy and pick those projects that most interest you.

At the same time, the new moon in Gemini on June 6 forges an awkward angle to limiting Saturn, which suggests that there might be times when your mindset is holding you back. Remember, you can do more than you think you can, so don’t let old patterns or beliefs prevent you from moving forward.

You’re also primed for fun times ahead as fiery Mars enters sensual Taurus and your sector of leisure and creativity on the eighth. The coming six weeks can be an exploration of the senses through your hobbies, your creative talents, and romance. Dating can be a delight, especially if you and your love interest enjoy food.

Relationships of all kinds come more to the fore, and you’ll be ready to nurture and protect those closest to you. You’ll also be very canny when making decisions that affect your interests and those of the people around you. This is a prime time for teamwork, collaborations, and partnerships. You’ll be able to do more with the help of others than you can solo.

The full moon in Capricorn forges an awkward angle with ethereal Neptune on June 21, so don’t rush into anything around that time. Even though you’re usually very down-to-earth, this aspect can distort your perceptions and thinking. Avoid making any big decisions and commitments. Wait a few days until you have more clarity.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe