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MAY 21 - JUN 20

On a Roll

You’re off to a great start this month, Gemini, because the sun, charming Venus, and upbeat Jupiter are all in your sign and sending you good vibes. And since your guide planet Mercury also moves into Gemini on June 3, you can go from strength to strength. You can accomplish big things, and you have the personality to carry them off, so don’t hold back. Aim high and use your skill and wits to soar.

The new moon in your sign angles toward taskmaster Saturn in Pisces and your career zone on the sixth, which could inspire you to reframe a goal that isn’t working for you. With a shift in your thinking, you can rediscover your enthusiasm and be happy about continuing.

Yet as assertive Mars moves into Taurus and your spiritual sector on June 8, you’ll be ready to tackle issues that have troubled you for some time. These might include matters that have lingered in the background, but now you’ll be ready to deal with them and move on, especially if they’ve been weighing you down.

Luxurious Venus enters Cancer on the sixteenth, followed by Mercury on the seventeenth and the sun on the twentieth, highlighting your financial sector. The coming weeks are a chance to spotlight any money issues and do something about them. While Venus could inspire you to treat yourself, you’ll also be ready to save money on regular bills and other expenses, and this can give you some much-needed leeway.

The full moon in Capricorn on June 21 could catch you out, so be ready. It ties in with misleading Neptune, so be very careful with any transactions. Avoid purchasing big-ticket items, but if you have no other option, keep the receipts.

You could also feel very emotional, and this might lead you to overreact or make a rash decision. Bide your time if you can and it will be easier to do and say the right things in a few days.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe