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JUL 23 - AUG 22

Enjoying Life

Leo, the sun and dynamic Mars in Sagittarius encourage you to get out and enjoy some exciting adventures. Since this is the holiday season, you’re in a peak time for having fun and making the most of your social connections. The weeks until December 21 are also excellent for activities that involve some risk or take you outside your comfort zone. If you enjoy sports that test your limits, you’ll want to take advantage of this exhilarating opportunity.

At the same time, luscious Venus glides into Scorpio and your home and family sector on the fourth, bringing people together, resolving difficulties, and perhaps encouraging you to give your place a holiday makeover.

On December 12, convivial Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn and your lifestyle sector, so you’ll need to take extra care at work and leave plenty of time to meet deadlines and reach appointments.

The new moon in Sagittarius, also on the twelfth, hints at a new beginning. You might want to take a romance to the next level or perhaps break the ice with someone you admire. If you’re ready to try a new creative hobby, now is the time.

The sun glides into ambitious Capricorn and your sector of work and wellness on December 21. That means the coming four weeks can focus your attention on your routines and how you might be more productive and reach your goals more easily.

Be careful around the full moon in Cancer on the twenty-sixth, because you might be more emotional than usual. Being surrounded by loved ones could make your heart burst with joy, and even the smallest thing could reduce you to tears.

Finally, lovely Venus enters Sagittarius on December 29, enhancing your chance of romance. And jovial Jupiter turns direct in a high-flying zone the next day, which means it’s full speed ahead with your business and career.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe