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OCT 23 - NOV 21

Spending and Earning

The holiday month is here, Scorpio, and the emphasis on your money zone suggests that you’ll be very aware of the upcoming expenses. The sun and Mars in Sagittarius also suggest that you’ll have faith that somehow it will all work out okay.

There is another way to handle this, and that is to budget and find ways to cut back on everyday expenses. Rather than buy gifts for everyone, you could make some of them, and this might even be more fun too. You can be very generous, so there might be a tendency to splurge, but setting a spending limit will certainly help.

The new moon in Sagittarius on December 12 is perfect for initiating a side hustle or a business you’re hoping to build from scratch. If you’re ready to introduce a new money management system, go for it now.

Talkative Mercury turns retrograde on December 12 in your sector of talk and thought, which could delay your plans. Important documents and key projects could be held up and gadgets could act up. Give yourself plenty of time to complete important tasks to avoid getting stressed and overwhelmed.

The sun’s move into Capricorn on the twenty-first puts the emphasis on expanding your network of friends and connections. These, which can be in your local area or online, will strengthen your support system while being of mutual benefit. Use the coming four weeks to promote your work, get your message out, and connect with friends and family you haven’t heard from in a while.

On December 26, the full moon in Scorpio and a far-reaching zone could coincide with a reunion or long-distance chat with a friend or family member you’ve been missing. This can be a wonderful as well as bittersweet occasion if they live a long way from you.

Finally, Jupiter turns direct in your sector of relating on the thirtieth, so you’ll soon begin to see progress after a period of hard work.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe