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MAR 21 - APR 19

Far Horizons

This is a positive and exciting time of the year, Aries, so buckle up and get ready for some grand adventures. The focus on Sagittarius and your sector of travel and new experiences could introduce you to a whole new world.

Lively Mercury heads into Capricorn on December 1, getting the holiday season off to an organized start; that is, until it turns retrograde on December 12 for three weeks. It would be a good idea to complete holiday tasks early so you won’t have to worry about finishing later.

Venus heads into Scorpio on the fourth, so feelings and desires could become more intense. You know just what you want and intend to get it.

If you’re ready for a vacation, this is the time to put down the tools and unwind. You deserve it. And the new moon in the sign of the Archer on December 12 is a good time to set new goals, especially those that take you out of your comfort zone.

On the twenty-first, the sun enters Capricorn for its annual four-week stay, emphasizing your goals, career, and ambitions. This is a good time to think about what you want to accomplish over the coming weeks and months. It’s also a jumping-off point for the new year, enabling you to get 2024 off to the best possible start, which you can do if you have a sound strategy.

The full moon in Cancer on December 26 also casts its spell over the following two days. You’ll long to be home, or in a place that feels like home, and with people who are very familiar.

Finally, Jupiter turns direct in your personal financial zone on the thirtieth, which could see you reaping rewards for your efforts of the past months. All your work hasn’t been in vain, and you’ll soon see progress.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe