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AUG 23 - SEP 22

Feeling Restless

There’s quite an emphasis on your home and family and the sign of Sagittarius, Virgo, which suggests this holiday season could be a very uplifting time. You’ll enjoy welcoming family from near and far and opening your house so friends can drop by.

You could also feel somewhat restless, with a desire to go to a place that feels like home away from home. If you plan to travel this holiday season, you’ll have a great time.

On December 12, the new moon in the sign of the Archer is your chance for a new beginning. Whatever plans you have for your home and family or any big, far-reaching goals, this the time to put them into action.

Chatty Mercury turns retrograde, also on the twelfth, so bear this in mind if you want everything to flow smoothly. Get the most important tasks completed early in the month to give yourself plenty of leeway to meet any deadlines.

The sun’s move into Capricorn on December 21 moves leisure and pleasure higher on your list of priorities. Indulge in those activities you love most that relax and recharge you. If you’re creative or you have any skills to promote and you want to earn some money over the coming weeks, this is a great opportunity to display your work online and off. Romance could be a hot topic at this time too.

Then get ready for an emotional full moon in Cancer and your friendship zone on the twenty-sixth. You’ll be geared up for a reunion and a chance to catch up, especially if you haven’t seen family members or old pals for a long while.

Lovely Venus enters Sagittarius on December 29, which can make your home a very inviting place, especially if you’re celebrating New Year’s in style.

Finally, Jupiter turns direct on the thirtieth, so you’ll soon be rewarded for all your hard work over recent months.


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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe