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DEC 22 - JAN 19

Getting Your Bearings

Capricorn, the first three weeks of December focus on your spiritual zone and on the chance to reset your priorities and consider your options. While you’ll likely be busy, you might also have a need for quite reflection and a chance to think about your plans and any issues you’re dealing with. This is a great opportunity to tie up loose ends and get your bearings. Your dreams could be vivid too, and you might want to keep a notebook handy to write down any that seem to offer wisdom and guidance.

Romantic Venus will be in passionate Scorpio from December 4 to December 29, which is great for holiday socializing and mixing with all kinds of people. You’ll be eager to connect with those who have influence and with movers and shakers in general, especially if they’re people you’d like to work with.

The new moon in Sagittarius on the twelfth is great for starting anything new. If you’re ready to explore a spiritual practice that can help relieve stress, start now and you’ll create a habit that will work for you throughout your life.

Mesenger Mercury will be retrograde from December 12 to January 1, 2024, which could throw a wrench in the works. Get those important tasks organized early and you won’t be in so much of a rush.

On the twenty-first, the sun’s move into your sign for a four-week stay puts you in the driver’s seat. If certain areas of your life have felt out of control, you’ll soon be back on track and making the right decisions to get things moving.

The full moon in your sector of relating on December 26 could bring buried feelings to the surface. Someone close might need to talk, and this could be an opportunity to clear the air.

Finally, upbeat Jupiter pushes ahead in your leisure zone on the thirtieth, so this is a great time to get moving on ideas that can enhance your future and perhaps be lucrative.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe