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JUN 21 - JUL 22

Spiritual Connections

Cancer, good things come your way when you dive into the spiritual and trust your intuition. The month begins with a potent aspect that could take your life to a new level. By trusting your inner wisdom, you could make the breakthrough you’ve been hoping for. It will be big enough that you can’t fail to notice it, and you’ll feel as though your life has started to soar.

The emphasis on your spiritual zone can also be a call to align with a life coach or mentor who can help you live up to your full potential. You’ll be very curious about ways to improve yourself, and this might mean investing in books, courses, and private sessions so you can make the headway you desire.

The new moon in Gemini on June 6 can be an opportunity to move beyond outdated beliefs. Its angle to prudent Saturn in your sector of far horizons could coincide with an event that helps you to see just how much past conditioning has held you back. This is a good time to do something about it.

You’ll also benefit from Mars moving into Taurus to enliven your social zone on the eighth. The coming six weeks or so could find you being more proactive by organizing events and getting people together who share your goals or interests. It’s time to explore clubs and groups and be open to networking.

You’ll be at the start of a new cycle as the sun enters your sign on June 20 for a stay of a month. Its presence here brings out the best in you, and you’ll be happy to bask in the joy of being totally and utterly yourself. With charming Venus and clever Mercury also in your sign, you’ll be irresistible.

Finally, the full moon in Capricorn on the twenty-first aligns with nebulous Neptune, so it needs careful handling. Someone might not be entirely honest with you, or they could make a mistake that causes problems for you.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe