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FEB 19 - MAR 20

Entertainment and Leisure

Pisces, there’s a cozy and uplifting emphasis on your home zone as June gets underway. The sun, easygoing Venus, and expansive Jupiter are in Gemini and joined by chatty Mercury on June 3, so there will be plenty of socializing going on at your place. People will be popping around for all kinds of reasons, but mainly because they love your company. You might also want to expand your property or perhaps move to a bigger one, though this is more of a long-term project.

The new moon on the sixth highlights bold decisions and a few doubts about family affairs. It angles toward cautious Saturn, so as much as you might want to move forward, a side of you might also feel like holding back. Examine your feelings and you could find that your fears are groundless and you’re ready to move ahead after all.

You’ll have the gift of the gab as assertive Mars moves into Taurus and your communication zone on June 8 for a stay of six weeks. The rich and earthy quality of your voice could attract people to you and help seal deals, beguile potential dates, and bring other benefits as you negotiate and engage others in conversation.

Charming Venus enters Cancer on the sixteenth, so you’ll be ready to indulge in hobbies and activities that draw out your creative side. It’s followed into this sign by lively Mercury on June 17 and the sun on June 20.

Not only will you enjoy homey activities, you’ll also be eager to showcase your creative skills and dive into pastimes that could be very therapeutic. Romance might be in the cards too, especially with someone with whom you sense you have a deep emotional rapport.

Finally, don’t rush into anything around the time of the full moon in Capricorn on the twenty-first. It forges a bewitching angle with dreamy Neptune in your sign, which could cause problems. Know what you’re getting into before taking action.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe