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OCT 23 - NOV 21


Scorpio, there’s an emphasis on an intense sector this month that can enhance communication at a deep level. With a focus on the sign of Gemini, this is a time when the spoken word can lead to healing and transformation. Your communication skills can also drive your efforts to be successful, leading to rich and far-reaching opportunities. With Jupiter continuing in this sector, the way is onward and upward as you navigate the landscape of your emotional life.

The new moon in Gemini on June 6 angles toward prudent Saturn and can encourage you to let go of the past. You have ideas that can take you into a new and exciting future, but a lingering issue might be holding you back. Now is your chance to let go so you can get to work with a clean slate.

On the eighth, feisty Mars moves into Taurus and your relationship sector, so the coming six weeks bring an opportunity to clear the air and be proactive in all your relationships.

On June 16, the focus shifts to the sign of Cancer when luscious Venus moves into your sector of far horizons. It is followed by chatty Mercury the next day and the sun on the twentieth. You’re all set for adventures and opportunities to explore the unknown. If you’re seeking inner healing, your trips and excursions could be based on a desire to find inner peace.

The full moon in Capricorn on June 21 could have you feeling like you’re navigating through fog. Your clarity of mind could be severely impaired, so it would be unwise to commit to anything or anyone, until you know what you’re getting into. With nebulous Neptune in the mix, there’s the potential to get caught up in something that wouldn’t be good for you at all. Tread with care.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe