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NOV 22 - DEC 21


Sagittarius, an expansive and uplifting focus on relationships means that you’ve hit the jackpot when it comes to working, partnering, and socializing with others. You’ll have your best successes in all areas when you team up rather than go solo. People are even supporting you behind your back, which has to be good news. Whether you’re in a relationship, ready to date, want to socialize for business and pleasure, or working with others, you’re on a roll and set to flourish.

The new moon in Gemini on June 6 angles toward prudent Saturn, so the only thing holding you back might be deeply rooted beliefs or someone in your family who is casting doubt on your efforts. Either way, it’s time to deal with these matters so you can go with the flow and catch the tide that will carry you to a bright and successful future.

This is a good time to get your lifestyle and routines organized too, and you’ll have help from feisty Mars as it moves into Taurus on the eighth, encouraging you to be proactive about your daily schedule and make choices that can help you accomplish your goals.

Get ready for a more intense phase as charming Venus enters Cancer on June 16, followed by Mercury on June 17 and the sun on June 20. The emphasis on a deeply emotional zone can focus your attention on issues that you might have tried to repress. You might feel moved to connect with a therapist, life coach or counselor who can help you work through any problems. You’ll also be very astute when it comes to handling your finances.

However, the full moon in Capricorn on the twenty-first does need special care. It aligns with aquatic Neptune and could throw matters into disarray, especially when it comes to financial issues. You’ll need to be especially prudent. Better still, wait a few days before you commit or make any key decisions.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe