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JUL 23 - AUG 22

Exciting Connections

You’re in for a great month, Leo. With a very positive and dynamic focus on your social sphere, this is one of the best times to refresh your circle of friends. Think about joining groups and clubs that link with your latest goals and interests. You have so much to gain by mixing and mingling with the right people. In fact, the more you do, the more you’ll accomplish.

The new moon in Gemini on June 6 encourages you to embrace new beginnings. As it angles toward sobering Saturn, this might be the time to let go of associations that are holding you back. You know who they are, and this is the time to delete them from your list of contacts and move forward. Align with those who share your goals and ambitions instead.

At the same time, the movement of dynamic Mars into your career sector on the eighth encourages you to be proactive about your goals and ambitions. Over the weeks ahead, you might be more driven than usual, and eager to reach certain milestones as you move closer to fulfilling your career and business dreams.

The emphasis gradually shifts to the sign of Cancer as lovely Venus moves in on June 16, followed by Mercury on June 17 and the sun on June 20. They head into the gentler waters of your spiritual zone, encouraging you to take time out. The coming four weeks or so are perfect for retreating from life and taking a chance to recharge. You will still be busy with your plans and goals, but it would be wise to dial it back a little. Simplify your schedule and give yourself an opportunity to turn within and reflect on what you really want.

Finally, be extra careful around the time of the full moon in Capricorn on the twenty-first, because things might not be as they seem. You could be far too emotional, and this might prevent you from making logical decisions. Wait a few days until everything has settled and you’ll have greater clarity.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe